We get why Fantastic Four is already the most hated superhero movie. And we will completely understand if it fails as a movie, even worse than Batman and Robin. But we will most likely put the blame on someone else than the actors and the director. Until now, nothing has proved that the ideas with which Josh Trank came aren't bankable. And the actors are more than good at what they do.
We will instead blame the studio. Either it will be because they hasted this movie, just enough to not lose the rights for the franchise, either it will be because they didn't market it and didn't have faith in it.
Sure enough, changing so many things about the Fantastic Four angers many fans. However, this is what adapting a story means: it is, basically, changing the story.
We simply cannot understand how a movie of this size cannot have at least a couple of trailers 2 months prior to its release. We cannot understand how a franchise with such a fan base doesn't have all its special effects finished in time - San Diego Comic Con has seen the release of 2 new trailers and we saw the drastic changes made to the FX.
This is more than poor marketing. This is, to put it bluntly, wiping your butt with what the fans believe and want. Leave aside the more than controversial casting choices. If Fantastic Four will flop big time (we actually don't want that, but the numbers say that it will), then there will be only one player to blame: Fox.
With these being said, the studio has decided to release some other clips, with new footage. Enjoy them for what they are!
Fantastic Four clips

The first clip:
On the next page, the second!
The second Fantastic Four clip

The second:
The third is on the third page!
The third clip

The third clip!
The 4th clip is on the 4th page!
The next one

As it was said:
On the next page, the last one.
The final Fantastic Four clip

They surely outdid themselves… This Fox…