As always, the villain is the most controversial character in a superhero movie - in this case, we are talking about Doom and the Fantastic Four reboot.
The movie isn't doing well - and this is an understatement. This movie, who has seen its final trailer released at Comic Con, was the only film about which the fans weren't actually enthusiast. And that is not just because of the controversial cast. Just like it isn't just because the studio is still perfecting the special effects, even when there are about 2 or 3 weeks before the release.
This is also because Fantastic Four features one of the most awesome villains in the entire Marvel Comic Book Universe - and, by the looks of it, the studio won't do him any justice at all. That is, they won't do him any justice this time either"¦
Doom of the first Fantastic Four

The first Fantastic Four film was released in 2005, so about 10 years ago. The villain of the movie was Doom, a powerful industrialist with connections to all the Fantastic Four members, and even beyond that.
What really-really bothered the fans, back then, was that, from the first moment one sees him, one can realize that he is the evil guy. Sure enough, in the comics, he is still this resentful guy with a superiority complex.
However, that is because of his tragic upbringing: born a gypsy, with his mother dying while he was young, with his father dying in order to protect him, he was supposed to end up scarred. Mentally, that is, and not just physically.
The Fantastic Four Doom was a shallow character, with no real background other than the generic one. He wants more so he becomes evil when someone tries to stop him.
Does the Fantastic Four reboot of this year do the same mistake?
Check out on the next page!
Doom of the reboot

In the Fantastic Four reboot, Doom is played by Toby Kebbell, who is a fantastic actor (if we may say so). Well, even before we got our first look at the character, he made headlines when saying that, "He's Victor Domashev, not Victor Von Doom in our story. And I'm sure I'll be sent to jail for telling you that. The Doom in ours"”I'm a programmer. Very anti-social programmer. And on blogging sites I'm "Doom"" (via Collider). Naturally, this being an adaptations, some characteristics from the comics were meant to be changed.
However, did this mean that his origins were completely changed? Did this mean that"¦?
Well, the websites twisted this statement of the actor and said that he is an anti-social hacker and programmer, which would mean a great difference from the comics. The fact that Toby Kebbell mentioned blogging made it even worse.
Fantastic Four already had a hard time attracting fans, with the controversial casting choices. This made it even worse, the fans reacting promptly - one of the best villains in the Marvel Comic Book Universe is just a programmer, a hacker?
But was it really what Toby Kebbell said? Check out on the next page his most recent statement about Doom!
Doom - the latest from Toby Kebbell

As said, the fans immediately believed that Fox has done it again and that they threw out the window the Doom from the comics. However, Toby Kebbell’s controversial statement wasn't that controversial at all.
First of all, he says something like this: "There's no conversation about [origins] in the film. We don't have time to talk about me - I would love it, but we don't have real time." (via Screen Rant). And this makes senses - it is in good taste to have the origin of the superhero, only to visit afterwards the origins of their greatest foe.
Furthermore, the actor revealed Doom's origins, which will most likely be presented in a future film, if this reboot proves bankable: "Yeah, he's still from the same place, his mother is still a gypsy and done her deals, his father still perished from exposure looking after me. He's angry. He's an angry dude. But now he's in Baxter. He's bright and he's trying to make people proud. He found a new father in Dr. Storm, the father of Johnny and adoptive father of Sue. I kind of get adopted as well, in a fantastic performance by Reg E. Cathey. And that's Doom as we see him. He's a computer technician, a computer scientist. There were rumors he was a hacker or something, but no. Victor Von Doom is who we hope he will be." (via Screen Rant)
So what does that mean? It simply means that his original statement was taken out of context. He may have been called Doom on blogs, but it doesn't mean that he is himself just a blogger. From this point of view, the fans can rejoice - this Doom is just like in the comics, even if his origins won't be shown.
It also doesn't mean that the studio had no clue about the character. In this instance, they did - it was just that the actor's initial statement was taken out of context, twisted, and then some.
On the next page, the future of Doom, as Toby Kebbell sees it/wants it!
Doom - a crossover

Quite a while ago, Hugh Jackman expressed his interest in having Wolverine in Marvel's MCU. Sure, he later announced that the third Wolverine film will be his last.
But he isn't the only actor who hopes for such a crossover. Toby Kebbell also expressed his interest in jumping from one franchise to another. Is this a sign? Are the studios prepping the fans for something this big, by letting the actors talk about it?
Well, check this one out, Toby Kebbell about Doom: "You know he destroys Thor. He punches up all those people. I don't know what the political"¦ I can't get into this. You're going to write this, and I'm going to get destroyed. They're going to sue me, but look: can someone at Marvel and someone at Fox talk, and with Doom, just lend him out, like football? You can have him for the World Cup, that's it! Then just let me go - let me go and destroy Thor, for goodness sake. I'd love to work with those boys." (via Screen Rant)