At the beginning of March, it was reported that Marvel had cast another lead actor in the upcoming Spider-Man reboot - actress Zendaya, who is supposed to portray either the new love interest of Peter Parker, or his roommate Michele Gonzales. After the big scoop, however, no other news was heard, suggesting that this was just another rumor without any truth to it.
But now something is certain - Zendaya herself revealed during The Ellen DeGeneres Show that she is indeed going to appear in the much anticipated Spider-Man movie. Of course, she didn't say too much about it - what other actors do you know who do that? Anyway, you can check out the interview below - skip to 3:00 for the interesting part.

Or you can simply read it here:
It's very exciting. When it comes to the acting space, I'm basically unknown. I've never been in a real movie before or anything like that, so I had to start from the bottom like anyone else. I auditioned and auditioned and auditioned and [broke] down those walls because a lot of people do have that pre-conceived notion of who I am based off previous things I've done, so you got to really break that down and go hard, put in the work, take all the meetings, take all the auditions.
So, apparently, Zendaya actually had to audition for her role. And we say that because, at the beginning of the month, many said that she was cast because she played in Disney TV series. Still, we are not so sure about how she could portray a new love interest for Peter Parker, seeing that she herself says that she hasn't played in a real movie before.
What do you think, though?