Who dies in Age of Ultron is a question that - rightfully, I might add - spread like wildfire after the release of the last trailer about a week ago.
As pointed out in our breakdown, there are some details you could have easily missed out. Including the ever so short footage (1:25, to be more precise) that shows Iron Man warning his colleagues "No way we all get through this".
Who dies in Age of Ultron is a question that needs to be answered. And while the rest of the trailer is not very revealing in this respect, we could definitely speculate.
Read below to see our theory and see if you concur!
Who will definitely not die in Age of Ultron

Let's think ahead for a minute so we won't waste our breath for nothing. We have Captain America: Civil War set to hit theaters May 6th, 2016.
As the cast shows right now, we can rule out Cap himself, Iron Man, Black Widow, Winter Soldier and Falcon. They're going to make it!
Jeremy Renner is one of the latest additions to Civil War cast. That means Hawkeye will also survive the rage of Ultron.
Maybe Thor?

Thor, on the other hand, is not shortlisted for Civil War. However, he has Ragnarok ahead of him (2017). But no trace of him in MCU until the sequel. Is it possible for him to die and miraculously be brought back to life - well, you know, they're Asgardians after all - when the time comes?
Could The Hulk be the one who dies in Age of Ultron? Checkout the next page to find out.
Nick Fury to die? Again?

Nick Fury is also rumored to have a solo debut sometimes in the distant future, but how much credit are you willing to give to that? His death is possible, though unlikely.
Could The Hulk be the one who dies in Age of Ultron?

Could The Hulk be the one who dies in Age of Ultron? That would be scandalous!!! But, on the other hand, it would be beneath Joss Whedon to settle for a minor death toll. And if The Hulk comes out as a victim"¦ as unthinkable as it is, it would be to great effect!
A Hulk-free MCU is almost"¦ incomplete. And the green beast does fill a lot of it!
The Vision, a likely candidate for self-sacrifice

The Vision is yet another key player in the upcoming Avengers. Upon his creation, he's on Ultron's side, but then he changes teams. In his own way, superhero-wise, he's a noble species, so self-sacrifice is not off the table.
Fathered by Ultron, to put himself to the service of humanity by destroying his very creator, well, that's a sense a symmetry I for one could surely appreciate. So, The Vision could be the one who dies in Age of Ultron.
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, possible casualties

Then there are the siblings. In all likelihood, they too will change sides. But will they have done that at the moment Stark issues his warning? If not, neither the death of Scarlet Witch nor of Quicksilver counts as an Avenger's death.
But if they're already on board with Cap and Stark, I guess we could take time to mourn over their loss. If at all!
What do you say, guys? Who dies in Age of Ultron? Could Whedon prepare an epic exit of The Hulk from MCU? Or do you think Thor or maybe The Vision could fall victim to Ultron's wrath? Have your say below!