Vision - more than even Scarlet Witch (in here) and Quicksilver (in here), Vision is the superhero everybody wants to see. And, despite that, Marvel keeps a closed lid as to who he is. Sure thing, we know that he is in the comics the creation of Ultron, an android which ultimately is the one to defeat the evil AI by using his phasing powers.
But we also know that his origin story in Avengers: Age of Ultron is very different from the one in the comics, since Vision is in fact a creation of both Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. So, ultimately, what do we actually know?
Not much, is it?
Vision - according to Paul Bettany
We've found out quite a few things about Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver in the pages of the Empire Magazine - and these are also newcomers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But, as said, the studio doesn't want to reveal anything about the android which will help the Avengers.
In a recent interview during the promotional tour of Mortdecai, Paul Bettany (who was also the voice of JARVIS in the previous Marvel movies) has touched a bit the subject of Vision, although not as much as we would have wanted.
Among others he did say that he will definitely return after Age of Ultron - which is actually a no-brainer, since Vision is meant to be a future Avenger, once the old roaster is removed. However, he did not say when this return will happen.
The future

And, although we've seen only some promotional art of him, we surely hope that he will indeed return - after all, his relationship with his fellow Avengers and particularly Scarlet Witch is a very interesting one.
Seeing that he is the creation of Tony Stark, we could expect to see Vision popping up during the Civil War, most likely as an ally of Tony Stark. If not that, then he will definitely appear afterwards.