There is no denying - Vin Diesel is one of biggest movie stars of our present days, even if he isn't known for too artistically valuable flicks. After all, he was made famous by movies such as the Fast and Furious and Riddick ones - very entertaining but, more often than not, pretty ridiculous as far as their plot and acting are concerned.
Nonetheless, the actor is pretty reliable as far as the information he provides is concerned - time and time again he has teased certain projects, only to have us find out that he was indeed working on them. The most recent flick to be released that he has teased, for quite a few years now, is The Last Witch Hunter, with Vin Diesel talking about it ever since he came back to the Fast and Furious franchise, back in 2009.
However, he is also known for another flick - Guardians of the Galaxy. The actor teased his involvement with Marvel way before other actors were announced - nobody even guessed that he was going to be Groot - he had a mostly non-speaking role, with 4 words uttered throughout the entire movie.
And now Vin Diesel is back at it again! Check out the next page for more!
Vin Diesel - Inhuman?

This isn't the first time Vin Diesel has teased the Inhumans. Back when Guardians of the Galaxy was released, he expressed his happiness when seeing that the movie proved to be a very successful one. While thanking the fans, he also said that Marvel think I am Inhuman. A pretty interesting choice of words.
Moving on, after several other hints that he may become an actual Inhuman, the actor revealed what kind of role he and Marvel are interested in.
In an interview with IO9, Vin Diesel said, "we've heard a lot of talk about Marvel wanting to have me play a character that doesn't have my voice. So my voice is used for Groot and my presence is used for the other character." What in the world is he talking about?
It's pretty simple - just like all the fan casts suggest, Vin Diesel is the perfect Black Bolt, the head of the Inhuman Royal Family, the man with a voice so strong that he could level entire cities with a single whisper.
Now we don't really know whether he talked or not with Marvel for this kind of a role.
What we know is that he has a very good track as far as these types of things are concerned - if he says something about a role, then he definitely has it.
And this cannot be said about his Fast and Furious co-star, Tyrese Gibson, who said that he was already hired to portray the Green Lantern John Stewart.