One more Infinity Stone is waiting to be revealed before Thanos makes his big entrance. Until now, the most believable theory had Heimdall in possession of the Soul Stone, based on the fact that the gatekeeper of Asgard was able to see everyone’s soul (the color of his eyes also seemed to be a dead giveaway). However, a new and even more plausible theory says that a different Asgardian has the Soul Stone.
Want to know more? This could be a huge spoiler!

According to Screen Rant, Odin has had the final Infinity Stone all along, since it’s the source of his Odinforce. Using the Stone, the ruler of Asgard was able to maintain peace throughout the Universe, keeping at bay bigger threats than anybody could have imagined. Then Loki tricks Odin, who’s banished to Earth, and Hela appears.
According to this theory, when we see first see Hela destroying Thor's hammer in the trailer her appearance is a bit unkempt. This could suggest that until now, she’s had no noteworthy powers. However, the scene takes place in New York, where Odin lives, so we can assume that Hela tracked Odin there to steal the Infinity Stone.
Enter Thor, who’s also been tracking Odin. However, the unkempt Hela had a secret weapon. And now she has a chance to make the best of it. How?
She destroys Mjolnir.
In some of the trailer scenes, we see Hela in Asgard and completely transformed. She doesn't look sloppy; she has a new outfit; and she’s wearing her iconic hair piece, which, according to the set reveals, is a manifestation of her powers. More importantly, her clothing has a yellowish glow. It appears that this is Hela, the Goddess of Death, and she has full control over the powers of the Soul Stone.

This new theory also explains why Odin had to fall into the Odinsleep. Since the Soul Stone requires souls as nourishment, and since Odin is a benevolent ruler, he uses his own life force to feed it. So he occasionally needs to replenish his life force.
The theory also explains how Mjolnir works and why only those who are worthy and pure of soul could wield it. And, of course, it explains why Hela’s able to destroy it. After all, she accomplishes this by the same means that imbued Mjolnir with power.
Keeping with this train of thought, if Odin was able to imbue Mjolnir with the power of the Soul Stone, he’d be able to empower others, as well. And that’s how Heimdall can see all of the souls in the universe.
Of course, this is just a theory. But it’s quite interesting, and it connects more dots than the Heimdall theory does. But what do you think?

Thor: Ragnarok will be released on November 3, 2017.