The recently released second trailer for Captain America: Civil War offers us our first look at the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Spider-Man. While many fans, including me, are impressed with the costume for Tom Holland's character, many others have exactly the opposite opinion. Despite such mixed reaction, the Russo Brothers don’t shy away from defending the costume design.
In a recent interview with Forbes, Joe Russo states that the brothers, Kevin Feige, and others at the studio love the new costume design. He claims that due to the web-slinger's immense popularity, whatever they do with him is "always going to be controversial". According to the co-director, it’s necessary for them to make sure that they are true to themselves and true to how they feel about the character and then "hope that everybody else digs it".
Anthony Russo explains:
Part of the issue is that we gave such a small impression of the character in that trailer, it's something of a Rorschach test where people can pour as much of their Spidey anxieties out, but when they see the movie, they are going to get a very big picture of a very complete character that they have never seen before.
Anthony went on to state that it’s hard for them to "react to people's reactions, but they will change radically when they see the movie". Joe adds that there's still "effects work that needs to be done" on Spider-Man's costume.
Russos tease new Spider-Man costume in Avengers: Infinity War!

While the directors don't want to give us confirmation on whether Spider-Man would appear in the Avengers: Infinity War movies, they are happy to tell us to expect a new costume if he does. When asked if Spidey's costume and appearance would evolve and change if he appears in the next two Avengers movies, Joe Russo confidently utters, "without question", and adds:
We like making strong choices with characters, so while this might be a slightly more traditional, Steve Ditko influenced suit, it is certainly in our vocabulary to develop it into something more extreme as the storytelling requires.
He went on to explain that fans would discover a number of things about Spider-Man's costume when they see Captain America: Civil War. Why the suit operates the way it does or why the eyes move…things like that, according to the co-director, are "substantiated".
Russos think Iron Man might disappear after RDJ quits!

For a while now, we've been hearing rumors about finding a new actor to take the place of Robert Downey, Jr. as Iron Man. But the Captain America: Civil War directors don't think that's happening anytime soon. According to Joe, it would be "almost impossible" to replace RDJ. The co-director claimed that "one close up" of the 50-year-old actor is equivalent to "another actor's entire performance"! He added:
I think if and when he is done with the character, you will find that Iron Man might disappear for a while. I think the only way that you could reboot that character is to give a generational gap that would allow another actor to at least have a chance to redefine that character without the enormous specter of Robert hanging over it.
And Joe believes that Marvel has more than enough characters to comfortably get through one or two phases before we would need to see Iron Man again.
Russos confirm post credits scene for Captain America: Civil War!

At one point, the interviewer asks if there would be a post-credits scene in Captain America: Civil War, and if Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange would be in it. Here's Joe Russo’s response:
We can't say who is going to be in it, but we can say that there certainly could be one, or two, maybe three. We can confirm that you should stay in your seats when the movie is done.
Share your thoughts on all of these tidbits from the Russo Brothers on Spider-Man’s costume, RDJ’s replacement as Iron Man, and the Captain America: Civil War post-credits scene! And stay tuned for more!