Captain America: Civil War will be released in a little more than one month - we’ve already seen the trailers, we already know the story, and we cannot wait for that day to come. The movie will see the Avengers team split into two factions, going at it because of their principles - after all, this is what the Accords are all about.
But the history of the Civil War doesn't begin with the writing of these Accords, just like it doesn't begin with Age of Ultron, which was the last straw. Instead, the beginning of the Civil War can be traced back to the first Iron Man flick, back in 2008, as well as to Captain America: The First Avenger from 2011.

MCU Exchange captured almost perfectly the path which led the Avengers toward a Civil War. In the MCU Supercut - The Road to Civil War, it shows the history of the two leaders (Iron Man and Captain America) and why they chose to stand on different sides of the barricades.
At the same time, besides presenting their history, the clip also presents the events which led to the Civil War, with references made to all of the MCU movies thus far, as well as to the TV series already released (most interestingly, Jessica Jones, where the fans can see the effects an alien invasion can have on the common people).
Check out the clip below - it is more than worth the while!
What do you think? Did they capture everything that is essential for the Civil War? We believe they did. Obviously, the clip could have been the entirety of the Captain America movies released thus far, plus the Iron Man ones, plus the Avengers. But, if we were to sum up in a short clip the path toward the war, this clip would do just fine.