Captain America: Civil War isn't just the beginning of Phase III - it could also be the end of the Avengers as we know them. Robert Downey Jr. already said that it will be his Iron Man 4, Steve Roger's story will be coming to an end, and we might say goodbye to a couple of other characters. So yes - the Civil War will be important.
And that is why we can hardly wait for tomorrow to arrive, bringing with it the release of the second full trailer (we're not counting the Super Bowl clip as a trailer). Have you chosen a side? Are you Team Captain America? Or are you Team Iron Man?

While the marketing of the Civil War has been a bit slouchy when compared to the other releases (just a trailer and a 45-second clip two months before the release of the movie), the last week has brought quite a few new details, indicating that the embargo Marvel imposed on the journalists who visited the set had been lifted.
Check out the teaser trailers below, starting with, naturally, team Captain America:
The Winter Soldier looks meaner than ever. And that final shot of Steve Rogers bowing his head is, well, beyond words.
Next is the team Iron Man teaser trailer:
Black Panther looks more than awesome! And why is Black Widow smirking that way?
Well, even if they didn’t actually didn't show anything, these small clips got us even more pumped than we were before. So what if we haven’t seen Spider-Man just yet? It’s all the same - that chanting could make even a comic book cover look alive!
One more thing should be added - although you should grab a spoonful of salt. Latino Review reports that the MCU’s newest addition will be heavily featured in tomorrow's Civil War trailer.
Whether it will happen or whether it won't, we can't wait to catch a few more glimpses of the Civil War!