Avengers 4 was originally announced as a second Infinity War installment that would be shot back-to- back with the third Avengers flick. With shooting scheduled to begin at the end of July, Avengers 4 remains untitled and shrouded in mystery, as most other Marvel Cinematic Universe projects have been.
The movie is scheduled for release in 2019, so we can understand the lack of information. However, we can expect that Avengers 4 will completely change the MCU, based on the secrecy surrounding its title and the San Diego Comic Con reveals.
Want to know what the connection is? Check it out, but it may be spoilery, since it partially explains why Kevin Feige hasn't revealed the title of the presumed final installment in the Avengers series!

Most recently, we learned that the film will begin shooting in Tokyo. A couple of weeks ago, this was just a rumor, but then a casting call popped up online that, according to Comic Book, hints at some villains who are new to the MCU:
Actors of slender build to play the gangsters, and states that the filming will be a night shoot and involve rain work and facial prosthetics.
And this brings us to the SDCC announcement that Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel will face the Skrulls and Super-Skrulls in her first solo flick. Obviously, the casting call could mean any number of things. But when we put it together with what we know about Captain Marvel and the secrecy surrounding Avengers 4's title, could this mean that we’ll see the Secret Invasion take place in the MCU?

What do you think?
Captain Marvel will be released on the 8th of March 2019. Avengers 4 will follow on the 3rd of May.