At the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron, we saw a new Avengers team being formed under Captain America's command - but that doesn't mean that the same roster will be kept for Civil War. In fact, in all likelihood, the allegiances will be changed on the course of the third Captain America film.
But how will that happen? Which sides will be chosen by the older and the newer Avengers? Well, we might have some pretty good idea.
Civil War - Captain America's team

As quickly as saying Civil War, we can count the team members which will join Captain America right on the spot. And these team members are Falcon, brought into the fold by Steve Rogers and Black Widow, with whom Captain America connected during the events of the Winter Soldier.
Speaking of which, Bucky Barnes is another team member which could join the Civil War on Cap's side - he is returning and, if he will have any part in it the ruckus, it won't be on Iron Man's side (since, well, he is responsible for the death of Tony Stark's parents). But is it really so?
Another expected team member would then be Hawkeye - while he could go both ways (so to speak), we know that he is strongly connected to Black Widow, with their friendship actually being mistaken as a love interest throughout the first Avengers film. So if Black Widow joins Captain America in Civil War, then Hawkeye will be there too.
Lastly, there is also Scarlet Witch, who has the most reasons to go against Iron Man - after all, she blames him for the death of her parents.
Black Panther
The rumor is that Black Panther will not choose sides during the Civil War, but will most likely have a hidden agenda of his own. But, even if he will, he will most likely join Captain America, since he won't agree with the Registration Act - simply because Wakanda has always been in seclusion and having foreign nations and government interfere wouldn't fit its profile.

Civil War - Iron Man's team
Basically, Iron Man will be joined during the Civil War by the remaining heroes plus a new addition. For certain, War Machine will be at his side - while they don't necessarily see eye to eye all the time, Rhodey Rhodes has always got Tony's back. There is no reason to believe otherwise.
Then there is Ant-Man - as we know, Hank Pym is pretty much against superheroes and superpowers. And since he is the one to mentor Ant-Man, we can bet that Scott Lang will join Iron Man's team.
Then there is Vision - who is, basically, J.A.R.V.I.S. - take a wild guess and you will too know on whose side he will be.
The wild card is, however, Spider-Man - but given the fact that Peter Parker is himself a prodigy child, he must certainly look up Tony Stark's genius intellect. So our best guess is that Spider-Man will join Iron Man during the Civil War - by all means, he will most likely reveal his secret identity to the world, just like in the comics.