A while ago it was reported that Nathan Fillion is interested in portraying DC superhero Booster Gold on the big screen. It was also reported that the character's creator would very much like this, as it was rumored that Warner Bros. is actually taking this into consideration.
And then Warner Bros. announced three more movies (untitled, though) for the already existing DC slate. Given the fact that they believe Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice failed to deliver because of its dark tone, immediately some said that one of these projects must be a Booster Gold and Blue Beetle movie.
And now, according to Birth. Movies. Death., part of that rumor was completely true, and the studio already has its eye on both a writer and a director for the Booster Gold movie (apparently, it won't be a team-up between him and Blue Beetle). The website reports that Zack Stentz will write the movie, while Greg Berlanti is producing and (as he hopes) directing.

However, we can say that the problem with Batman v Superman wasn't the tone of the flick, but rather the way it was cut, in combination with plot inconsistencies and some bad writing. Does Warner Bros. actually intend to move forward with this pair for the Booster Gold movie?
Zack Stentz is credited for writing both X-Men: First Class and the first Thor movie, even if he penned only the first drafts (the story goes that he wrote for the first Avengers as well and that Joss Whedon considered the script complete rubbish). Stentz, however, did write the script for the upcoming Power Rangers reboot.
And then there is Greg Berlanti. As a TV producer, he has a great track record. However, he is also responsible for the Green Lantern big screen debacle, while as a director his biggest film is a poorly received comedy starring Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel and titled Life as We Know It. So"¦