DC and Warner Bros. have big plans for the DCEU - for this reason, the marketing campaign for Batman v Superman is on a roll, with three trailers already released, four TV spots, an exclusive look, and countless of interviews with the director and the stars. Nonetheless, as far as more recent videos are concerned, it cannot be said that there was too much new footage released. Sure, the latest clip did spoil the movie by revealing the identity of the big baddie who will unite the Justice League, but, other than that"¦
That’s why the studio is planning to release a final trailer for Batman v Superman, sometime soon (who knows, maybe even during the Super Bowl - even if, officially, Warner Bros. is skipping this year’s game). This final trailer was classified yesterday; it will be 2:12 minutes long.

At this point, some people might say that this is too much. The usual complaint is that this many trailers (and all the other videos) simply ruin a movie. You’ve probably heard people say that they have already seen the flick, based on not even five minutes of trailers, clips, and other promos.
Is this really so? The first trailer for Batman v Superman debuted last year at Comic Con, so about eight months ago. Basically, there was a trailer every two months after that - is that too much?
As a comparison, Star Wars: The Force Awakens had quite a few more TV spots, while Age of Ultron was also promoted with four trailers and way more than four TV spots.

What we want from this last Batman v Superman trailer is for the studio to not spoil the movie even more. For example, we don't really want to know just yet what the Lex/OS marketing was all about. Save that for the movie, Warner Bros.!
When do you think the last Batman v Superman trailer will drop?
Source for the featured image: Comic Book Movie