Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is just TWO MONTHS away from hitting the theaters and the director of the movie wants you to pick a side! A latest tweet from Zack Snyder's official Twitter account features a video where he asks you to choose either of the two superheroes. If you are on the Bat of Gotham's side, include #Batman in your tweet. Again, if you are with the Son of Krypton, use #Superman! And when you use either of the hashtag, you will get to see an awesome Emoji of that respective superhero's symbol appear on your tweet.
We are not sure when exactly this campaign ends. Snyder didn't mention that. And he also didn't say if we will eventually get to know the results. Maybe it's a way of bringing to us the cool Emojis. The 22 second long video shared by the Batman V Superman director features some footage from the movie - nothing new though. Here's the clip for you!
New Batman V Superman Poster!
They have also released a new poster for the upcoming March 25 release. It features Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill's characters from the movie. Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman is missing here - that's unusual because almost all the previously released posters featured her! Let's check it out below!

New Batman V Superman Cover!
That wasn't all! The cover of the March 2016 issue of Empire Magazine is out and it's Batman V Superman themed! It's not a photograph but an illustration. The much-admired comic book artist Jim Lee sketched it. Batman wearing his mech suit is involved in a clash with the Man of Steel. Here's the magazine cover for you (via Comic Book Movie)!

Whose side are you on? No, not talking about Captain America: Civil War! I'm talking about Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice! Who would you pick - Batman or Superman? Do let us know via comments!