Arrow lead cast Stephen Amell has recently revealed his thoughts on the CW series having crossovers with the other series based on DC Comics. It was at Dallas Comic Con's Fan Days panel where he made his opinion on Arrow crossovers with Constantine, Supergirl and Gotham. The only common concern that he had about those three Warner Bros and DC ventures is the fact that they are broadcasted in different television networks.
According to Amell, a crossover between Arrow and Constantine would be fascinating just for the fact that Matt Ryan's John Constantine has a good depth of knowledge on the Lazarus Pit which the CW series has introduced this season.
Amell said that a crossover with the upcoming CBS venture Supergirl would be "˜cool' and the reason behind that is the showrunner Greg Berlanti, who's also involved with Arrow and The Flash. He also stated that he knows a number of those who are involved with Supergirl production and he would love to work with them as he did during the crossover with The Flash.
The Arrow star is not as positive about a crossover with Gotham as he doesn't consider the difference in network to be the only concern. According to Amell, a crossover between Arrow and Gotham would be "˜a tough one' as the Fox series is set in the past.
The Canadian actor also replied in affirmative when asked if more DC Comic character beyond Suicide Squad and The Atom would appear in Arrow but didn't mention any name.
New Costume & Perhaps New Name!

Ever since we heard the Starling City press calling Colton Haynes' Arsenal as Red Arrow, there have been speculations ongoing whether Stephen Amell's Oliver Queen is no longer going to be called Arrow and instead will be called by the name that his character bears in the comic books, the Green Arrow.
That might as well be happening as Amell confirms while in the same panel that there would be change of his character's costume! He had a very light-hearted approach while answering whether there would be any change of suit by the end of this season. The actor replied that there would not only be "˜suit changes' but the fact that he's "˜going to be changing suits'. Here's the video for you!
Amell Warns WWE Superstar Sting!

In a recently uploaded video on his Facebook page, Stephen Amell has dressed up in his Arrow costume and appears to be warning Steve Borden, aka Sting, to not take up the nickname "˜The Vigilante'. The video clip is 15 second long and captioned as "˜Tread carefully, Stinger'! Well, may be Amell doesn't know that there's an original DC Comic character by the name, whose alter-ego is Greg Saunders! Let's watch the fun-video posted by Amell and do share what you think of all that from sinceriously said stuff!