In 2017, the “Naruto” anime drew to a close, offering resolution to its most pressing queries. After a grueling battle marked by copious bloodshed and severed limbs, Naruto succeeded in rescuing his friend Sasuke from utter darkness. Additionally, the protagonist fulfilled his childhood aspiration of becoming the Hokage and receiving recognition from his village. Fans were also treated to romantic developments, with the revelation of the desired couples who ultimately became canon. Ultimately, Sakura and Sasuke formed a bond, while Naruto and Hinata found themselves united by the arrows of Cupid. As the dust settled, these pairings were solidified.
The satisfaction of some fans hinged on the two romantic couplings, with Naruto and Hinata, and Sasuke and Sakura, fulfilling their desires. However, a segment of the audience held a different view, believing that series creator Masashi Kishimoto erred by not having Naruto end up with Sakura instead. These supporters of the Naruto-Sakura pairing point to the series’ convoluted love triangle involving Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke, and they find Sasuke and Sakura’s relationship implausible. Despite the criticism, Kishimoto remained resolute in his decision to have Naruto and Hinata end up together, which caused a stir not only among fans but also in the author’s household. Reportedly, Kishimoto had to placate his wife when she discovered Hinata’s role in the series.
Kishimoto’s wife wanted Naruto to be with Sakura
During a 2015 interview with Anime News Network, Masashi Kishimoto shared how the decision to have Naruto choose Hinata as his romantic partner caused unexpected turbulence in his home. The series creator admitted that even his wife expressed disappointment and passionately argued that Naruto should have ended up with Sakura instead.
I almost caused a rift in my own household too, because my wife was very upset also that Naruto didn’t get together with Sakura. In fact, she complained quite vehemently to me!
Kishimoto found himself in the position of having to calm tensions with his wife after the decision to have Naruto choose Hinata as his partner caused domestic stress. Despite this, Kishimoto shared his reasoning for why he believed that Hinata and Naruto were a better match as a couple in the same interview.
I think what made me realize it was partly because, if you really look back and think about it, Hinata always supported and acknowledged Naruto, even before Master Iruka,” Kishimoto said in the interview. “She had the ability to see beyond his reputation and see the true person inside. I think I started realizing that they were meant to be.
Kishimoto cemented the ‘NaruHina’ pairing with two significant moments in the story. In the “Pain’s Assault” Arc, Hinata bravely declares her love for Naruto as she tries to protect him from Pain. Additionally, Neji’s tragic death further solidifies the bond between Naruto and Hinata, much to the approval of many fans. While Kishimoto’s reasoning for choosing Hinata as Naruto’s partner is understandable, the question remains: how did he persuade his wife to accept this pairing? Kishimoto revealed to Anime News Network that he told his wife that Hinata was modeled after her, even though she had a more determined personality like Sakura. It’s uncertain if this approach was effective, but it’s clear that Kishimoto’s decision on the pairing left a significant impact on the series and its fans.
Sakura was never meant to be a romantic interest for Naruto
While Sakura is undoubtedly one of Naruto’s closest friends and an invaluable teammate who deeply cares for him, many fans speculated that there might be a romantic connection between them. In the “Shippuden” arc, as Sasuke becomes more corrupted, the series implies that it’s unlikely for him and Sakura to have a future together. In fact, Masashi Kishimoto further investigates this notion when Sakura deceitfully confesses her love to Naruto to stop him from pursuing Sasuke. It’s one of the most hurtful things Sakura does to Naruto, but it also hints that she may have believed he had romantic feelings towards her.
Despite some moments that suggested otherwise, Masashi Kishimoto had no intention of making Sakura a romantic interest for Naruto. In a translated interview with Shonen Jump Magazine via Crunchyroll, Kishimoto revealed that he had always thought of Sakura as just another character and never envisioned her in a relationship with Naruto. However, the mangaka did consider the possibility of a love triangle between Sakura, Hinata, and Naruto.
Then I figured it’d be more interesting if Sakura would be in the middle, creating a messy love triangle,” he said in the interview. “But to be honest, there wasn’t much space and time to include stuff like that.