Mark Millar is one of the most important voices in the world of comic books. He's the very creator of Marvel Knights Spider-Man, Ultimate Fantastic Four, The Secret Service and Wanted.
Most importantly - for what I want to point out here - is Mark Millar is also the creator of Civil War. So, it's safe to assume that his words are of no little importance once he states something about the comic book or about the movie.
In a previous interview with IGN, Mark Millar stated he didn't think the movie would deviate considerably from the letter of the book.
Now, here's what Mark Millar thinks of the latest - and most applauded, for that matter - addition to the cast of Captain America: Civil War, namely, the confirmation of Martin Freeman.
Radio Times tried to make Mark Millar spill the beans in a recent interview about Marvel's upcoming flick. And here's what they managed to learn from the mastermind behind Civil War.
Mark Millar: Freeman will not play a super-person

Mark Millar first reassured the audience: "I know who he's playing in the film, but I guess it's still a secret". So no, he won't let anything slip!
But details - however unrevealing - were delivered: "The character is not a super-person, it's somebody who's"¦ well, I don't want to spoil it for anybody but he's not going to be in costume".
This is actually something we assumed here following the theory of Latino Review.
And he further teases: "Once you get to see it, it's so obvious ["¦] All I'll say is, he's not [Captain America villain] the Red Skull". Yeah, I could have guessed that!
Sure, a tribute to Martin Freeman's acting skills is in place: "He's a great actor he could play anyone - he could play Hit-Girl!".
So, OK, with all these in mind, I can only conclude Mark Millar's interview supports the theory Martin Freeman will play Everett K. Ross, expert in all things Wakandan and an agent / interrogator of sorts.
Sure, Millar's unrevealing details support this theory, well, by not refuting it. But as speculations go, that's good enough so far.
But as much as Mark Millar's tidbits narrow it down, we have to admit Everett K. Ross, as suggested by Latino Review, is not the only character Freeman could play.
"˜Cause there's yet another non-superhero who could appear in Civil War, namely, a certain Henry Gyrich. But unlike Everett K. Ross, who's a rather affable guy, Gyrich is really not the guy that grows on you.
And I'd very much like to see Freeman playing a likable fellow, "˜cause I'd hate to hate his character in a franchise as prominent as Captain America.
What do you think guys? Does Mark Millar's interview shed a new light on Freeman's role? And do you think The Hobbit star will get to play the easygoing character or the typical paper-pushing thorn in the side? Have your say below and stay tuned! We'll bring you the hottest scoop on all things Marvel!