One of the biggest complaints about the Batman v Superman marketing campaign (ever since that infamous second trailer dropped) is that it saved no surprises for when the movie is released. The reveal of Doomsday as the villain powerful enough to unite the superheroes has ruined it for many people.
However, is it really so? We say that it isn't, especially since we now know the movie’s exact length. The AMC theater chain has announced that the movie will last exactly two hours and 31 minutes, which makes it a pretty long superhero flick. In comparison, Avengers: Age of Ultron was nine minutes shorter, which means that the movie will have plenty of time to do justice to its characters.

And this is, after all, another of the concerns the fans have expressed - that it won't be enough time to present all the characters. But, at 151 minutes, we guess that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has enough time to introduce the Batman and explore his story arc, as well as develop Superman’s.
As far as we’re concerned, Wonder Woman doesn't really need one (since her story will be presented in her 2017 solo flick), while Lex Luthor can be presented in relation to the two other main characters.
Furthermore, all trailers and clips released until now last for about ten minutes in total (nine minutes and 30 seconds, to be more precise). You can watch them all below, supposedly in chronological order (although we should say from the start that some of the scenes are obviously misplaced along the timeline).
So, thus far, we only have ten minutes out of 151 in trailers - is that too much? We don't think so. There's plenty of time left for some other surprises to be revealed!